Thursday, May 25, 2006

riddle me ridiculous

Cicra has yet another quest. In order to re-enter the Silent City, she must first answer the following riddles.. HELP HER!!

What has 4 legs in the morning, 2 at noon and 3 in the evening?

What starts with "e" ends with "e" and contains only one letter?

.Born at the same time as the world, destined to live as long as the world, and yet never five weeks old. What is it?

This you should always keep - no one else wants it.

It wasn't my sister, nor my brother, but still was the child of my father and mother. Who was it?


keBo said...

I may have the answer for the second riddle. "E" maybe? (Way too easy though!)

Janice said...

Not even your fairy Janna knows one single answer.. yet..

Anonymous said...

shame on you strangers. E is not the answer.. Envelope is the answer

Victoria said...

the first one is a human being. a baby is born with 4 legs, but walks with 2 and ends up with a "bastun" when he is old.

The last riddle is yourself.

Anonymous said...

oh yeah!
i see lady vam has some good general knowledge and insight, but come on! you have been guessing the easiest one guys. Try using some lateral thinking for the others. They're EASY!

Anonymous said...

The one about not being five weeks old is the moon. comes and goes every 4 weeks