Sunday, October 11, 2009

les femmes on the road..

Why is it that many women are an incarnation of a half eaten banana, on the road? And why is it that no matter what men do, they will not ever get the same reputation?

Well, after plenty of enlightening experiences in the field, I have starting forming some sort of conclusions on the matter at hand. These conclusions have been aged skillfully in hours-long in traffic very early in the morning.

Let us start with men.. and by the end of this explanation, I will barely need to go over the women's one; it will already be clear. So, men do as many stupidities on the road as women; if not MORE. However, and this is the big but.. they do it and they are aware of it. They risk it and they enjoy it. You can see a man's satisfied grin when he speeds out of a side road and missing you by that much. They tease you with their risk-taking; and I would dare say even flirt with your car. In a few words, men are show offs.

Women are plainly, the exact opposite. Women do stupid things on the road just because stupidity mode is active at that particular time. Want proof? Look at a woman's face when SHE speeds out of a side road and missing you by that much. You are right! You can't see her face because she hasn't looked! .. because she didn't even realize she was doing something completely wrong (and completely against the law if we had to take this on a more serious level). And I warn you.. don't be surprised if when you honk the living hell out of your car horn at her, she starts verbally attacking you and calling you blind, and sending you, your mother and all your relatives for a trip around the world in 80 words.

And so,I bid you all goodnight, and good luck on the road..