It turns out that Prince Charmings exist, but they are oh so boringly perfect.
It turns out that sushi is delicious!
It turns out that life is short.
It turns out that life is short and complicated.
It turns out that life is short, complicated, but extremely simple to figure out.
It turns out that mothers are always right.
It turns out that good looks get you wherever you like.
It turns out that to look good you have to feel good.
It turns out that in life there will always be someone that is better than you, no matter how hard you try.
It turns out that all men have the same thing in mind..
It turns out that women like it that way, somehow.
It turns out that the harder you look for something, the less you are going to find it.
It turns out that even a silver stick has a dirty part.. nothing is perfect.
It turns out that life has very queer coincidences.
It turns out that that they are still coincidences.
It turns out that menopause is horrid on women.
It turns out that it is even worse for their husbands.
It turns out that younger sibblings are always the better off.
It turns out that the length of your legs is inversely proportional to the size of your brain.
It turns out that the answer to the ultimate question about life, the universe and everything IS 42.
It turns out that it is also the largest number you can use in Super 5, by a strange coincidence.
It turns out that life is fair after all.. €1,000,000 had to be split between 2 rather than 1 lucky winner.
It turns out that many women are arses when driving.
It turns out that this doesn't mean that men are good drivers.. on the contrary.
It turns out that whatever disress you might have, someone else is in a worse state than you.
It turns out that you start wondering who the poor guy is.
Ps, it turns out that these are the revelations of just one day.