I hadn't been there for months. Various are the reasons that led to this elimination of the place from my to-go-to list; however I needed to refresh my ardour towards these reasons and so, decided to pay peace a visit.
First thing that strikes when you are my age is that 90% of the humans present are younger than you, with the result that you start feeling old and crippled. Self confidence 0; PV 1
Second thing that strikes is that youngsters drink A LOT, and have no problem with being drunk, making a fool out of themselves etc etc. The culture today is that drink is good for socialization and that the more you drink the cooler you are. By the 5th drink you're chest freezer-cool. Seeing such things make me feel like our society is doing a complete mess out of the people that will pull the ropes in the very near future. Self confidence 0 , PV 2
Then you see the way people dress. First you start laughing at how absolutely inappropriatly dressed many people are. Unfortunately (for them) its the ladies that have the record in this contest; ranging from pure mis-match of style/fashion ignorance to dresses which would perfectly disguise as tee-shirts for their length, cleavages that steal the "Grand(our)" from the Grand Canyon and bare bellies on show like a pure-breed, white, Persian Chiuaua at a fish show. All this too many times hanging on (/ out of/ off) bodies which would do with a size or two MORE of clothes or bodies of not so minute dimensions. And then you wonder how sometimes women are considered objects. After wiping of the tears of laughter you start shedding tears of disgrace. I'm not really sure who should get the point here.
The rest is all men with desperate looks and desperate behaviour trying very hard to hook up girls with desperately lonely looks. Oh, and we can't forget the only too young boys and girls roaming around as if it were normal that at such a young age one goes and f**** up his/her life only to be able to boast about having been there at school. I would not be surprised to hear a "hello there miss" and a "can I not do my homework?.. I'll be too hung over tomorrow to bother.."
I'd really so much rather not see these things. Someone needs to start doing something about these situations.. soon.
*silence* PV wins the game.
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