The newest, and probably most effective scheme of helping customers keep their diet is on the market. I am impressed at the efficiency of this method, absolutely flabbergasted, dumb-struck, fascinated.. you name it.
Well, against my better judgement I accepted my partner's wish to visit this place, let me just say it's in the same area as the first insert..closer to the sea this time. The first signs of disaster (yes, the first paragraph was pure sarcasm) came immediately as we stepped into the restaurant and noted that all the clients were sitting outside.. no one was inside, except, obviously, us.
So, it took us (and I'm not exegerating) 20minutes to order, and I had to go up to the waiter and plead him to come and take the order. Don't ask me why we hadn't walked out by that time.
Probably my instict for a, let's call it scoop.
So the waitress came, and took our order.. and no, the food didn't take ages to arrive. soon as it rested itself infront of our hungry selves, what could only be compared to a restaurant-scale volcano eruption took place. The waiters started a full-blown verbal fight. It was amazing. I was trying to eat this huge plate of lettuce, listening to men being atributed out-dated body parts, and swear words which would have scandalized an anti-christian, creative pirate. And all this was being exchanged with the delicacy and consideration of an elephant with a bad constipation.
"Ghidli x'jibqa fik?!" would be an ideal maltese saying. We ended up totally spaced, scared to ask for the bill. You can imagine how much tips they got. No, not nothing. 2 euro cents has a better impact.
And the waitress had the face to ask "was the food to your liking?" as we walked out. "yes the food was..not the entertainment though."
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