Wednesday, April 09, 2008

and some more...

Every so often I get this bout of creativity. Somehow, it always flowers into a different activity. This time, its card-making.

I'm still trying to figure ME out..


keBo said...

Naħseb fit-tmeninijiet u l-bidu tad-disgħinijiet dak it-tip ta' madum li għandkom kienu qed ibiegħuh issussidjat. F'kull triq ta' Malta trid issib minn tal-inqas dar waħda li għandha bħalu.

Probabilment, għoxrin sena oħra nibdew ngħidu l-istess għall-parquet fake.

Xtine said...

.. thanks for noticing the background.. with such a dominant foreground, that was exactly why I inserted the pictures. (note the not so subtle sarcasm)

keBo said...


Għandek il-cards vera sbieħ, prosit.

Xtine said...
