Tuesday, April 22, 2008

C'e` sempre..

C'e` sempre qualcosa nella vita dalla quale scappiamo.
C'e` sempre qualcosa nella vita che inseguimo.

C'e` sempre qualcosa nella vita che vogliamo.
C'e` sempre qualcosa nella vita che dobbiamo avere.

C'e` sempre qualcosa nella vita che ci fa bene.
C'e` sempre qualcosa nella vita che ci uccide dentro.

C'e` sempre qualcosa nella vita che ci ricorda qualcuno ...che non c'e` piu`.
C'e` sempre qualcuno nella vita che ci ricorda qualcosa ...che non abbiamo piu`.

C'e` sempre qualcuno nella vita che ci da vita.
C'e` sempre qualcuno nella vita che ce la toglie.
C'e` sempre qualcuno nella vita che fa tutte e due queste cose..

C'e` sempre qualcuno nella vita che ci ispira ad andare avanti.
C'e` sempre qualcuno nella vita che ci lega al passato.

C'e` sempre qualcuno nella vita che amiamo con tutto l'cuore, e l'anima, e l'corpo.
C'e` sempre qualcuno nella vita che odiamo con passione.

Perche la vita E`.. finche noi ci siamo, con tutte le nostre cose, e con tutte le nostre persone, con tutte le paure, i dolori, la gioia e il dolore.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Dieters' guide to salads around Malta

Panic spread inside the inner most layers of the Earth's core. Lava boiled at temperatures unthinkable, earthquakes spread out in square ripples, and undescovered petrolium turned bright pink.

I had stepped upon something worse than cow dung on a midsummer's day nightmare.. I had stepped upon a God begotten SCALES *shock*

For a few minutes Earth itself stopped moving and silence ruled the plains while the small, red arrow skidded across the numbers. 20kg.. 30kg.. 40kg.. 50kg.. (silent prayers) alas 60kg.. until it stopped on the trecherous 64kg.

Oh Lord. Not again! Many months, and sweat beads ago I had been this size.. but I had ran, and walked, and lifted, and shifted, and thrown and picked until I was a nice 55kg. Where did all the fat come back from?! The BASTARD!

What is worse is that summer is around the corner, and since the sea is going to be infested by jellyfish.. all the macho-hunks who in the past tempested the blue waves with shiny smiles and tortelli-six-packs will be carpeting the ruddy beaches! That rubs off any intention on my side to lay unhassled, bum towards the blue skies, slowly baking and turning sexy chocolate brown.

Two options present themselves: I can either dive in, magic wand in hand and disintagrate the invading jelly-fish or RE-loose the gained weight. Unfortunately no magic wand has yet been known to disintegrate jelly substances, so the choice is no longer a choice.

And this is where the title to this blogg starts making sense. Its already widely known, altough mostly as a legend, that I attend gym. So obviously a slight instensification of the activity in there.. possibly not the admiring activity, will be required. Another thing is a resolution to eat greens, or anything which isn't green but has seeds, tastes aweful and is generally fed to rabbits.

So, finding myself at a restaurant with an inviting Italian name yesterday, I sat at a table with my slim, and therefore not worried partner. The menu is averagely vast, until you get to the 'salads'. Under this title you find all sorts of things which, yes, make the salad list look long, but NO, aren't salads. Among the 2 or 3 options to genuin salad I picked the Ceaser salad, which seemed to be the less fattening of the lot.

Ceasar salad is lettuce, chicken, bacon, croutons, parmesan cheese and ceasar dressing (what is ceasar dressing? .. search me). Well, it was all that in abundance, especially lettuce. I quite enjoyed the lot, and the chit chat with the happy partner eating a happy pizza. A nice cappuccino ended the meal and we were out of there before too long.

And you would think the story ends there, but.. what respectable story would this be if it didn't have a twist in the end? The twist is infact a twist. More than one actually... in my stomach. I spent the night twisting in bed with aches and pains in my already fat-battered stomach. I will not give details regarding my appearance this morning. I'll spare you the details, and me the shame.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Soppy hour

I have been blessed with 12 angels this year so I felt it was my duty to dedicate a small space to them..

My first class, my first year teaching and I'm sure this will remain the best year ever. They make me proud because they are oh so smart, smarter than me most of the time. I've taught them the art of mind boggling..and now the students have over run the teacher.

They are a real challange. Sponges of knowledge, thirsty for facts.. the more fascinating the better. They have a rhydm, a fast one indeed, and you either get carried away or get left behind.

Their tongues are sharp, sometimes sharper than their wit. But they try hard, harder than probably they could achieve, because I push them, because I believe in them. They have so much to share, and I have so little time to listen to all their wonderful stories. They talk and talk and move and talk, and eat and talk and write and talk. Because they live life so intesly, minute by minute and they seep it all in somehow.

It hurts when I have to act "teacher" with them. Yes, sometimes I have to stand above them and raise my voice. Sometimes I even shed their tears. But I swear, never with hate or pleasure. I weep inside with them, but my firm word, I hope, will prevent firm feet stepping on their heads eventually.

They are my pride. Every single one of them. And I pray for them to always remain so crisp and fresh and pure, and intelligent. The list could go on, but let me not be overly soppy.

This was just to prove that Super Sexy Super Cicra has a heart ;)

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

and some more...

Every so often I get this bout of creativity. Somehow, it always flowers into a different activity. This time, its card-making.

I'm still trying to figure ME out..