Inhasdet. Ma kienetx qeghda tistenna li jnizzluha minn gos-shab daqshekk hesrem. U il-hasda kibret x'hin ghajnejha iffukaw fuq wicc il-profs ftit centimetri il-boghod minn wiccha.
Jaqq; setghet tarha kull toqbda fejn qabel kien hemm tebgha tal-gilda. U setghet ixxomm ir-riha ta cafe` kark li probabli kien xorob ezatt qabel rehielha ghal dik is-siegha maghhom.
"Ghadek ma qomtx sinjorina, dologhdu? Ma hallewkx torqod billejl jaqaw? jew kellek x'taghmel?"
Sparhom il-mistoqsijiet. U ma kull wahda ghajnejh xeghlu iktar bil-pjacir hu u jara il-misthija iddelli fuq wiccha. Jew ghalmenu hekk haseb hu x'hin rahha tbaxxi rasa u tpoggi idha fuq halqha. Ried ihalli ftit sekondi biex igawdi il-figura li kien ghadu kif qata` qabel jikser is-silenzju. L-istudenti l-ohra kienu qeghdin jifluhom sew, l-ewwel lilu, issa bilwieqfa dritt dritt qisu xi general wara battalja kiefra imma rebbieha, u hi imgedsa fuq is-siggu, kwazi kwazi tistenniha se tinfaqa tibki dalwaqt.
Tista tahseb kif baqa` kulhadd x'hin flok lefqa ta` biki, instemet spluzjoni ta dak hierga minn taht dik l-id. Hi tefghet rasha lura tant kienet qawwijja id-dahka. U sa dan it-tant kulhadd kien ghadu iccassat. Il-profs biss, gismu bhal qisu inxtorob; fekruna kif thoss li riesaq xi ghadu, dahal go qoxortu minghajr qas biss tharrek.
"Ha naraw, ejja, share the joke, forsi nidhak jien ukoll la narak hierga l-barra mil-kamra."
Id-dahka bdiet tmajna bil-mod, sa ma spiccat fix-xejn. Imma fuq wiccha baqghet dik id-dbissima sarkastika, mimlija bl-ewforja tat-tpattija.
"Ma nafx min liktar fis-shab jien dolghodu; jekk hux min qed jiccassa ftit,.. jew min nesa` jilbez iz-zarbun!"
U ghajnejn kulhadd waqghu fuq il-papocc tas-sodda tal-profs; kulur kannella hamrani, mimli toqob u tentix!
U trid tgħidli li l-professur ġie biex jagħti l-lezzjoni bil-papoċċ tas-sodda?
u ma ndunax,bi zball..yes
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Hello all!
Wonderful blog.
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Wonderful blog.
Wonderful blog.
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Good job!
Hello all!
Good job!
Thanks to author.
Nice Article.
Thanks to author.
Nice Article.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Thanks to author.
Please write anything else!
Good job!
Good job!
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Please write anything else!
Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?
Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!
Hello all!
Clap on! , Clap off! clap@#&$NO CARRIER
Wonderful blog.
Please write anything else!
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.
All generalizations are false, including this one.
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The gene pool could use a little chlorine.
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Hello all!
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