Saturday, October 21, 2006

pillow case theory

Please submit anger management strategies here.. the more the merrier.. fast!

Monday, October 09, 2006


this is a list of the things that happened to me today..

1. Woke up at 7.30 and couldnt get back to sleep, until 8.55, 5mins before the alarm was set to wake me up

2. left early to pick il-Duka up, cause I'm too good, and when we finally got to university there were so many cars looking for parking that I had to drive back to S.Gwann, and park miles away.

3..this also meant that we got to lecture 15minutes late

4.. and on the way there I realized that all the liquid in my very carefully prepared salad had soaked into my bag..

5... ie.. everywhere was smelling like old socks.

6. after university..went to buy myself a lovely laminating machine. The road was disasterous. Had the shop been in the middle of a crator on the moon, it would have been easier to get there. Anyway..

7. Got back home, still happy with my new technology.. but alas! I found it has a missing stopper. So it's imbalanced..

8. In the middle of my swearing at the idiot who packed the laminator, my eyes focused on unauthorized movement on my desk. ANTS!! They decided to use my room as a bypass for the roof! Not a nice threat for someone who is not so comfortable in the company of insects

9. The intrusion required immediate action, so I got THE antpoison and starting climbing to place it in a strategic place. The strategic place required me to hang from the shelves, holding only with one hand and one leg. What was I doing with the other hand? I was hitting it really hard against one of the is still aching.

and it is still early...

I hate mondays.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Salty stuff

I wasn't even going out. The weather was horrible and I was tired stiff, but something inside me wasn't going to rest until I got dressed and left for the bar.

Well, let me skip the nitty gritty and get to the nice stuff. Princess was amazing. I hadn't heard her sing for ages and ages and I had missed it. Her voice is like a bowl of cherries; bubbly and so natural.

The music was really good. I found myself keeping the beat instinctively. They've already got a groovy style. There is something mystical which binds them. It's unexplainable, but its there. A sort of aura, an aim.

Still, Princess was best..keep it up cherry ;)

Monday, October 02, 2006


Inhasdet. Ma kienetx qeghda tistenna li jnizzluha minn gos-shab daqshekk hesrem. U il-hasda kibret x'hin ghajnejha iffukaw fuq wicc il-profs ftit centimetri il-boghod minn wiccha.
Jaqq; setghet tarha kull toqbda fejn qabel kien hemm tebgha tal-gilda. U setghet ixxomm ir-riha ta cafe` kark li probabli kien xorob ezatt qabel rehielha ghal dik is-siegha maghhom.
"Ghadek ma qomtx sinjorina, dologhdu? Ma hallewkx torqod billejl jaqaw? jew kellek x'taghmel?"
Sparhom il-mistoqsijiet. U ma kull wahda ghajnejh xeghlu iktar bil-pjacir hu u jara il-misthija iddelli fuq wiccha. Jew ghalmenu hekk haseb hu x'hin rahha tbaxxi rasa u tpoggi idha fuq halqha. Ried ihalli ftit sekondi biex igawdi il-figura li kien ghadu kif qata` qabel jikser is-silenzju. L-istudenti l-ohra kienu qeghdin jifluhom sew, l-ewwel lilu, issa bilwieqfa dritt dritt qisu xi general wara battalja kiefra imma rebbieha, u hi imgedsa fuq is-siggu, kwazi kwazi tistenniha se tinfaqa tibki dalwaqt.

Tista tahseb kif baqa` kulhadd x'hin flok lefqa ta` biki, instemet spluzjoni ta dak hierga minn taht dik l-id. Hi tefghet rasha lura tant kienet qawwijja id-dahka. U sa dan it-tant kulhadd kien ghadu iccassat. Il-profs biss, gismu bhal qisu inxtorob; fekruna kif thoss li riesaq xi ghadu, dahal go qoxortu minghajr qas biss tharrek.

"Ha naraw, ejja, share the joke, forsi nidhak jien ukoll la narak hierga l-barra mil-kamra."

Id-dahka bdiet tmajna bil-mod, sa ma spiccat fix-xejn. Imma fuq wiccha baqghet dik id-dbissima sarkastika, mimlija bl-ewforja tat-tpattija.

"Ma nafx min liktar fis-shab jien dolghodu; jekk hux min qed jiccassa ftit,.. jew min nesa` jilbez iz-zarbun!"

U ghajnejn kulhadd waqghu fuq il-papocc tas-sodda tal-profs; kulur kannella hamrani, mimli toqob u tentix!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Vague sound of rain
pierces through my song again
but I get distracted by the way his toes move when he plays
so I let it burn

I just poured my heart out
there's bits of it on the floor
And I take what's left of it and rinse it under cold water
And call him up for more

And I say baby, yes I feel stupid to call you, but I'm lonely
And I don't think you meant it when you said you couldn't love me
And I thought maybe if I kissed the way you do, you'd feel it too
He said I'm sorry
so sorryI'm sorry
so sorry

He grabs my wrists
as my fingers turn into angry fists
and I whisper why can't you love me, I'll change for you
I'll play the part

And I say baby, so I feel stupid to call you, but I'm lonely
And I don't think you meant it when you said you couldn't love me
And I thought maybe if I kissed the way you do, you'd feel it too

He said I'm sorry
so sorry
I'm sorry
I am sorry