Tuesday, March 27, 2007

time.. what a ruddy invention

I know exactly how the soldiers in the Troy horse's belly felt.. how delicious swearing at Helen tasted, and how painful your eyes start feeling after looking at the sky (or the horse's interior) for the nth term of eternity. Yes, it's my defect. I can't stand waiting, I just can't bear it. Why ever on Bogus' bald head should I wait when I did my very best to get there on time?!! And why should the other person feel offended when I comment about how tedious it was to wait?!!

Why I hate it so much? oh well, because I think it is completely disrespectful. Would take much less effort to just plainly state that "hey, I really couldnt care less about you."
I'd just say thanks and leave..NOT WAIT.. which is important. Time is not everyone's pet, planning ahead is not in everyone's brain power.

Ok, accidents happen. People can be late for a very valid reason, and that's fine by me. But waking-up-late is not a valid reason in my standards or in anyone's standards for that matter. And then don't blame me for having spent my time building up rage inside my stomach. At least I spent it on something.. YOU were wasting it!! For crying out loud!

Anyhow.. will you wait a bit while I go get myself a coffee? ..

Monday, March 19, 2007

Trust and Doubt

As the saying goes: "once bitten twice shy", and I am tempted to add on to that with "twice bitten, forever shy". How can I trust someone who bit me twice without the slightest thought going to a what-if-theres-a-third-coming-up? Doubt kills life. I am not sure whether what I see is truth or my fear manifesting itself. And sour dreams dont help. My mind has the very uncomfortable habit of dreaming my wildest fears, which somehow, don't seem all that wild and impossible when I wake up. The eternal conflict of trust vs doubt.. in the end probably none will win...

Saturday, March 17, 2007

counting backwards

Yesterday was "il-gurnata nazzjonali tas-sewqan taht is-sorm" which translated in sensible english is "national day of people driving really close to your rear.. bumper". It was not a very pleasant day, especially when I had to drive down a really steep hill with no lights (pitch black.. spooky view from the rear view mirror..), with over 115 traffic signs (yes i counted them) and with lots of roundabouts and islands spread about like baubles on a christmas tree. I'm sure any sensible person (sensibility, like common sense.. is not so common) in their right minds and with their limbs at heart would understand my not exceeding the 60kmh. I had this very irritating conincidence of cars full of drunken idiots driving oh so very close. It was scary I tell you. No sudden braking allowed in such situations, unless, of course, you feel like a free flight (taxes included) to hospital. Anyhow, I escaped this experience unharmed and unharmed.. with a small tip: pressing the brake peddle very lightly doesnt slow down your car.. it just gives a heartattack to the moron driving a fart's distance away from your car .. *zmile*